Monday, March 2, 2015

how to enter bios

And how to enter UEFI.

As part of setting up or computer, we must know the basic knowledge of entering BIOS and the newer UEFI. This is the first of two ways to boot to our windows/operation installer.

The first step to enter the bios is to go Mr. Bean Piano

on the following keys, do it in this order one at a time so you'll know next what works for that particular computer.


When you are done with your changes select Exit Saving Changes, Exit and Save Changes or something similar to save your changes(but dont do it yet, leave everyting at default) then select and press enter on YES/OK.

Or select Exit  Discarding changes, Exit and do not save changes or something similar if you do not want to save changes in the computer bios/uefi.

*credits to the image owner.